Sunday, 17 August 2014

Miss International 2013, Ms. Bea Rose Visit Yangon

# Miss Myanmar International 2014 မွာ ဒိုုင္ အျဖစ္ ပါ၀င္ကူညီမယ့္ 
 Miss International 2013, Ms. Bea Rose Santiago #

Ms. Bea Rose Santiago, Miss International 2013, arrived Yangon City on August 15, 2014. Gone Yi Aye Kyaw, Miss Myanmar International 2013, and Finalists of Miss Myanmar International 2014 welcomed her with dinner at Vintage Luxury Yacht Hotel in Yangon. The Beautiful Filipino girl, Ms. Bea Rose will be one of the Judges of Miss Myanmar International 2014, which will be held at the National Theater in Yangon on August 17.

Miss International 2013, Ms. Bea Rose Visit Yangon, Youtube!

Miss International 2013, Ms. Bea Rose Visit Yangon, Vimeo!

Original source: Myanmar Celebrity: Gossip, News, Video, Photo, Fashion, Entertainment

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